Project Background

The perception of refugees as solely passive receivers of humanitarian aid or different integration measures is changing as the result of growing activities and advocacy of migrant and refugee-led CSOs (like SYVNL in the Netherlands and GFR in Greece). Migrant activism manifests in different ways, through various cultural activities aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and cultural visibility and political and policy advocacy that refugee and migrant groups try to assert in the political arena.

These advocacy efforts for greater inclusion in the policy-making processes can be seen in connected fields – such as legislation on racism and discrimination, anti-Muslim hatred, integration, asylum, and migration, as well as labor rights, etc. There is a greater understanding on all levels (from EC and national governments) that including people in the policy-making process of laws and regulations that directly concern them will result in more inclusive, coherent, and needs-based policies.

Project Summary

The main aim of this project is therefore to see a dramatic improvement in the quality of enjoyment of human rights by refugees and is based on the idea of supporting the active inclusion of marginalised, vulnerable or excluded communities. With this, the project seeks to strengthen refugee inclusion by supporting the empowerment of those refugees who want to play an active role in their communities and at the EU level. Through the project, community needs, strengths and trends will be identified, and we will seek to produce an educational package that will tackle these challenges and provide improved skills to overcome them.

Shadow Report 2023 October

Our journey began two years ago, aiming to foster understanding and create opportunities for asylum seekers and migrants. We strive to bring their voices to policymakers and stakeholders. Last year, we organized the G100 meeting, and based on the diverse input from our communities, we compiled a shadow report. We presented this report November 2023 to our international colleagues and members of the European Parliament.
Monday 22 January 2024 marked the final event of the Integration Compass, involving policymakers and stakeholders active in the field of integration and asylum policy in the Netherlands.
Our goal extends beyond aiding in their safe and dignified integration into new communities. We aim to highlight the incredible value and diversity they bring to our society and address challenges limiting their access to mental health care, the job market, and education.

To access the Shadow Report click here

This project was funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. The content of the videos represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.