Terms & Criteria


Applicants should meet the following terms:

  1. The initiative should be free of any political and religious views.
  2. Implementable, the initiative should be realistic.
  3. The initiative should be non-profit (unless it’s to ensure the sustainability).
  4. The initiator has to sign a document of liability.


  1. Community need: The initiative should meet the community-based need for the local community or contribute to solve a community or social problem.
  2. Teamwork: The initiative consists of two or more members.
  3. Community capital investment: the initiative is based on a number of collaborations from the local community.
  4. The initiative stands in line with Syrian Volunteers Netherlands’ mission and vision.
  5. The initiative meets the principle of sustainability on two levels: the continuity of the impact and sustainability of resources.
  6. The idea of the initiative is characterized by exclusivity and innovation.

