DEADLINE: 07/04/2019
Are you actively involved in improving the lives of refugees and migrants? Are you doing any type of advocacy work on refugees and migration policies in Europe? If so, we want to hear from you and we want to involve you!
On the 4th and 5th of May 2019, we, migrants and refugees, plan to organize a European Summit for migrants and refugees from all Europe in Brussels. The Summit is an occasion for you to meet and discuss the current challenges and opportunities with other migrant and refugee advocates and to coordinate our efforts.
In preparation for the Summit, we have created a survey that will allow you to raise your voice and be heard. We want to hear about your involvement in advocacy work at the local, national, and European levels. Your responses will be used to put together the agenda and themes for the European Summit and to start building alliances and shared advocacy messages to influence EU policies. In other words, your work is valuable to us! If you would like to participate and share your experience, please fill in the survey and submit it!
The survey will take approximately 10 – 15 minutes to fill out.
This survey and the Summit are an initiative of the Global Refugee-Led Network and the G100 initiative by refugees and migrants across European countries.